Audiology Ear Care - New Brighton, MN   map 651-628-4327
Tinnitus Care

It can be disconcerting at best when you have noises that only you can hear. Tinnitus (/ti - nuh - tus/) is an unfortunate side effect of trauma to the auditory system. This is most often caused by repeated exposure to loud noise, but can also be caused by sudden extreme noise, such as explosions, head injury, medications affecting the ears, stroke, and medical conditions of the ears.

For most people, tinnitus is annoying and maybe mildly irritating from time to time. However, tinnitus can prevent some people from from enjoying daily activities. if tinnitus interferes with your ability to concentrate on tasks, socialize, or get to sleep, please seek the help of a qualified audiologist specializing in tinnitus. Tinnitus can not always be cured. However, with the help of your audiologist, your condition can be diagnosed and treatment can be provided to improve your quality of life and lessen the impact of tinnitus. In some cases, your audiologist will partner with a psychologist, psychiatrist, or your primary care physician in order to provide a complete plan of treatment for your individual needs.

Tinnitus may also be the result of medical conditions. These can often be treated so that tinnitus completely goes away. These may include diseases of the ear, complications from dental procedures, abnormalities of blood flow in the brain, and others. Many sounds which result from these causes are not true tinnitus, but are somatosounds - or noises that result from bodily functions. Be sure to consult with your audiologist any time you experience noises in your ears so that your condition may be properly diagnosed.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is currently no cure for tinnitus. NO over-the-counter (OTC) products have even been shown to improve tinnitus better than placebo. In fact, some OTC tinnitus products have been found to have tinnitus-causing substances. It is highly recommended that you do not pursue self-medication for tinnitus or any kind of self-treatment without consulting with an audiologist, psychologist, or physician experienced in tinnitus treatment.

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